Bahia Santa Maria
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico |
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Bahia Santa Maria is a tiny bay on the pacific side of Baja. It has a tiny village of maybe 25-50 plywood structures that serve as housing for the fisherman and their families. There are NO services. No groceries, no fuel.., nothing. But they are an active community. We were there to relax and make repairs after another 2 day passage. But there is an annual event for the yachtistas! A band drives 12 hours, working just for tips playing great music and the families make a wonderful meal of lobster, fish, chicken, salad and rice and beans. They charge $15, which is a deal, and $2.50 a beer. A wonderful welcome for weary sailors! The organizers of the Baja have made these annual events that pump a lot of money into the communities. The yachtistas are also encouraged to bring school supplies and other things for the kids. I don’t know if I mentioned previously but I got the solar panels working. I had to run at 5 am, while in San Diego to get high voltage DC breakers, at an electrical supply house before getting to the start of the Baja that same morning. This is something I had to do with Ben Franklin. Something’s don’t change… But the reason I bring it up is that there is nothing better than swinging on a hook in the middle of an anchorage. Except knowing that your batteries will be charged in the morning. We have now arrived in Cabo San Lucas this morning. I will write more about that tomorrow. Tonight we all meet up at Squid Roe for a” Can’t believe We Cheated Death Again” dance and party. I don’t have pictures of the community or the party. The ponga drivers are real cowboys here, aiming for the waves so all the riders get wet. So I left my phone on the boat and instead got some sunsets.