Poor Zelda was a hot puppy on the ride

Bahia Los de Muertos
La Paz, Mexico |
La Paz, Mexico
We left los Frailes later in the morning on Thursday. We had planned on leaving Friday but the winds were expected to kick up to 30 kts with seas at short duration, so we decided to leave early. We had a calm and hot ride to Bahia de los Muretos. We arrived just before sunset and anchored. We spent yesterday doing laundry on the boat and I work on whittling down my list of repairs. This is another fishing area, with fisherman towing their pangas in by car and spending the day fishing. There is an old rock wharf and one restaurant. We rowed our dinghy in and are having a late lunch. AND we have wifi!! I do have to tell you that after hearing the election results, I am not missing not having internet! The little pieces I have heard want me to keep going south! But last night I hooked up our SSB receiver and tried to get the BBC. No luck but I did find a nice Mexican station playing American jazz! Nice discovery! I plan on using the SSB to get weather faxes for our trip back. Tomorrow we leave for an anchorage just out of La Paz, Bahia Balandra. It is a beautiful cove with the famous mushroom rock, This will put us 2 hours outside of La Paz. We would like to secure a slip, but as of now we don’t have one. There is a long channel entering the inner harbor and it is busy. As we get close we will start calling the marinas on our VHF. They don’t know what space they have until they do a visual inspection. We are planning on staying here through Thanksgiving then start our journey home. Best to all, Dennis